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Department of Dermatology

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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Peter Weninger

"The skin, the mirror of the soul"

An integrated centre for academic dermatology and venereology at the highest international level. Since its foundation in 1849, the Vienna University Department of Dermatology has been one of the most important dermatological departments in the world.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Peter Weninger
Head of Department of Dermatology

Information for patients

Information for patients

Here you will find detailed information about clinical care at the Department of Dermatology. Learn more

Specialisation at the highest level

In addition to the general outpatient clinic and the ward, we also serve a large number of specialised outpatient clinics!
Study, training and further education

Study, training and further education

Immerse yourself in our multifaceted world of teaching. Our education and training programmes set standards in dermatological education. Learn more

Teaching of the future

Dermatology is one of the most popular subjects among students at the Medical University of Vienna!
Science & Research

Science & Research

Our research laboratories are at the forefront of dermatological science. Discover the innovative projects and studies being carried out at our clinic. Learn more

Top-level research

Our scientific staff have access to state-of-the-art molecular biological, genetic, imaging and single-cell technologies and analyses.
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