Biographic sketch
Luka is a first-year bioinformatics PhD student at the Griss Lab, Medical University Vienna. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in Cell and Tissue Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, FH Technikum Vienna and a master’s degree in Bioinformatics from the University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Vienna.
His bachelor internship, conducted at the Medical University Vienna, Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, provided Luka with in-depth wet-lab experience. It involved successful recombinant expression, purification, and refolding of human MHC Class 1-peptide complexes (using SARS-CoV2 peptides) for identifying CD8 T cell epitopes, and the validation of protein complex stability by performing differential scanning fluorimetry.
In his master internship, completed at the Medical University Vienna, Department of General Surgery, Luka dove into bioinformatic research focusing on the impact of DNA methylation on transcriptional regulation and DNA mutation in prokaryotic and early eukaryotic organisms to elicit the origin of DNA methylation as transcriptional regulator in evolution.
These experiences have refined Luka's analytical skills and reinforced his dedication to pursuing a career in biological research at the intersection of molecular biology and informatics.
His preliminary objective during his PhD tenure is the analysis of spatial omics’ and immunofluorescence data to gain insights into the behavior of B cells in melanoma tissue.