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Primary Cutaneous B Cell Lymphoma

Primary cutaneous B cell lymphoma are a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. We believe that we found a first hint at why two of the three subtypes show an indolent course…

Primary Cutaneous B Cell Lymphoma

B cells in anti-tumor immunity

Together with Stephan N. Wagner, we were among the first to show that B cells are vital to the anti-tumour immunity in human melanoma. We now investigate whether this is conserved across cancer types and which B cell subtypes are key to this effect.

B cells in anti-tumor immunity

ReactomeGSA - Multi-omics, quantitative, comparative pathway analyses

ReactomeGSA is an analysis service of the Reactome Knowledgebase that provides multi-omics, quantitative, comparative pathway analyses. We lead the development of this resource and continuously work on its improvement.

ReactomeGSA - Multi-omics, quantitative, comparative pathway analyses

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is one of the most frequent auto-immune diseases with a high psychological burden for many patients. We try to understand its immunological basis and the factors that influence a patient’s response to therapy.

Alopecia areata