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PVM in breast cancer development

Elucidating the role of perivascular macrophages in breast cancer development and metastasis


We are invested in understanding the role perivascular macrophages play in solid tumor progression and metastasis. Increasing evidence points towards functional specialization of niche-specific, subtissular macrophage subsets. Elucidating the transcriptional and epigenetic landscape of these macrophage subsets assists in generating a better understanding of the role these macrophages play in modulating the complex tumor milieu. 

  • Rohit JainShweta Tikoo, Kathy On, Brendon Martinez, Suat Dervish, Lois L. Cavanagh, Wolfgang Weninger. Visualizing murine breast and melanoma tumor microenvironment using intravital multiphoton microscopy. STAR Protoc. 2021, 2, 100722

People involved in the project: Shweta Tikoo, Rohit Jain, Arezou Najm