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Selected Publications

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  • Kazemi, S., Danisman, E., & Epstein, M. M. (2023). Animal models for the study of food allergies. Current Protocols, 3, e685 (
  • Shu-Hua Liu, Sahar Kazemi, Gerhard Karrer, Anke Bellaire, Wolfram Weckwerth Jakob Damkjaer, Oskar Hoffmann and Michelle M. Epstein. Influence of the environment on ragweed pollen and their sensitizing capacity in a mouse model of allergic lung inflammation. 2022. Frontiers Allergy
  • Jeppe Madura Larsen, Anne-Sofie Ravn Ballegaard, Angela Serrano Dominguez, Nanna Jordahn Kristoffersen, Natalia Zofia Maryniak, Arielle Vallee Locke, Sahar Kazemi, Michelle Epstein, Charlotte Bernhard Madsen, Katrine Lindholm Bøgh 2021. Contact Dermatitis The role of skin inflammation, barrier dysfunction, and oral tolerance in skin sensitization to gluten-derived hydrolysates in a rat model 11 October 2022 Impact factor (2021):6.419
  • Đukić, T., Smiljanić, K., Mihailović, J., Prodić, I., Apostolović, D., Liu, S.-H., Epstein, M.M., van Hage, M., Stanić-Vučinić, D., Ćirković Veličković, T. Proteomic Profiling of Major Peanut Allergens and Their Post-Translational Modifications Affected by Roasting. Foods 2022, 11, 3993.