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  • Werner F, Wagner C, Simon M, Glatz K, Mertz KD, Läubli H, Griss J, Wagner SN (2021) A standardized analysis of tertiary lymphoid structures in human melanoma: disease progression- and tumor site-associated changes with germinal center alteration. Front. Immunol. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.675146. IF: 7.561
  • Chen M, Werner F, Wagner C, Simon M, Richtig E, Mertz KD, Griss J, Wagner SN (2021) Spatiotemporal analysis of B cell- and antibody secreting cell-subsets in human melanoma reveals metastasis-, tumor stage- and age-associated dynamics. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.677944. IF: 6.684
  • Griss J, Bauer W, Wagner C, Simon M, Chen M, Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K, Maurer-Granofszky M, Roka F, Penz T, Bock C, Zhang G, Herlyn M, Glatz K, Läubli H, Mertz KD, Petzelbauer P, Wiesner T, Hartl M, Pickl W, Somasundaram S, Steinberger P, Wagner SN (2019) B cells sustain inflammation and predict response to immune checkpoint blockade in human melanoma. Nature Commun. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12160-2. IF: 14.919
  • Koelzer VH, Gisler A, Hanhart J, Griss J, Wagner SN, Willi N, Cathomas G, Sachs M, Kempf W, Thommen D, Mertz KD (2018) Digital image analysis improves precision of programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) scoring in cutaneous melanoma. Histopathology. doi: 10.1111/his.13528. IF: 5.087
  • Somasundaram R, Zhang G, Fukunaga-Kalabis M, Perego M, Krepler C, Xu X, Wagner C, Hristova D, Zhang J, Tian T, Wei, Z, Liu Q, Garg K, Griss J, Hards R, Maurer M, Hafner C, Mayerhöfer M, Karanikas G, Jalili A, Bauer-Pohl V, Weihsengruber F, Rappersberger K, Koller J, Lang R, Hudgens C, Chen G, Tetzlaff M, Wu L, Tompers-Frederick D, Scolyer RA, Long GV, Damle M, Ellingsworth C, Grinman L, Choi H, Gavin BJ, Dunagin M, Raj A, Scholler N, Gross L, Beqiri M, Bennett KL, Watson I, Schaider H, Davies MA, Wargo J, Czerniecki BL, Schuchter L, Herlyn D, Flaherty K, Herlyn M, Wagner SN (2017) Tumor-associated B cells induce tumor heterogeneity and therapy resistance. Nature Commun. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00452-4. IF: 14.919
  • Perego M, Maurer M, Shaffer S, Müller AC, Parapatics K, Bennett KL, Li L, Wang J, Hristova D, Shin S, Keeney, F, Liu, S, Xu X, Raj, A, Jensen JK, Wagner SN, Somasundaram R, Herlyn M (2017) Slow-cycling melanoma cells are invasive through a SerpinE2-dependent mechanism. Oncogene. doi: 10.1038/onc.2017.341. IF: 9.867
  • Pathria G, Garg B, Garg K, Wagner C, Wagner SN (2016) Dual JNK-CyclinD1/ERK-c-JUN Disjunction in Melanoma. Br J Dermatol, doi 10.1111/bjd14713, IF: 9.302
  • Garg G, Maurer M, Griss J, Brueggen MC, Wolf IH, Wagner C, Willi N, Mertz KD, Wagner SN (2016) Tumor associated B cells in cutaneous primary melanoma and improved clinical outcome. Human Pathol. 03.022. IF: 3.466 
  • Pathria G, Garg B, Borgdorff V, Garg K, Wagner C, Wagner SN (2016) Bypassing MITF-conferred Drug Resistance through Dual AURKA/MAPK Targeting. Cell Death & Disease. 7, e2135 doi:10.1038/cddis.2015.369. IF: 8.469 
  • Somasundaram R, Herlyn M, Wagner SN (2016) The role of tumor microenvironment in melanoma therapy resistance. Melanoma Manag. 3(1), 23-32 (review)
  • Pathria G, Garg B, Wagner C, Garg K, Gschaider M, Jalili A, Wagner SN (2016) RanBP3 Regulates Melanoma Cell Proliferation via Selective Control of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport. J Invest Dermatol, 136;264-74. IF: 8.551
  • Maurer M, Müller AC, Wagner C, Parapatics K, Pickl W, Rudashevskaya EL, Breitwieser FP, Colinge J, Garg K, Griss J, Bennett KL, Wagner SN (2014) A comprehensive comparative and semi-quantitative proteome of a very low number of native and matched Epstein-Barr Virus-transformed B lymphocytes infiltrating human melanoma. J Proteome Res, IF: 4.466
  • Mertz, KD, Pathria G, Wagner C, Saarikangas J, Sboner A, Romanov J, Gschaider M, Lenz F, Neumann F, Schreiner W, Nemethova M, Glassmann A, Lappalainen P, Stingl G, Small VJ, Fink D, Chin L, Wagner SN (2014) MTSS1 is a Metastasis Driver in a Subset of Human Melanomas. Nature Commun. 5:3465. IF: 14.919
  • Borgdorff V, Rix U, Winter GE, Gridling M, Müller AC, Breitwieser FP, Wagner C, Colinge J, Bennett KL, Superti-Furga G, Wagner SN (2013) A Chemical Biology Approach Identifies AMPK as a Modulator of Melanoma Oncogene MITF. Oncogene. Jun 3. doi: 10.1038/onc.2013.185. IF: 9.867
  • Aird KM, Zhang G, Li H, Tu Z, Wu H, Wei Z, Wagner SN, Herlyn M, Zhang R (2013) Suppression of Nucleotide Metabolism Underlies the Establishment and Maintenance of Oncogene-Induced Senescence. Cell Reports. doi:pii: S2211-1247(13)00111-3. 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.03.004. IF: 9.423
  • Maurer M, Müller A, Wagner C, Huber M, Rudashevskaya E, Wagner SN*, Bennett K* (2013) Combining filter-aided sample preparation and pseudo-shotgun technology to profile the proteome of a low number of early passage human melanoma cells. J Proteome Res. 12:1040-8; *corresponding authors. IF: 4.466
  • Jalili  A, Wagner C, Pashenkov M, Pathria G, Mertz KD, Widlund HR, Lupien M, Brunet JP, Golub TR, Stingl G, Fisher DE, Ramaswamy S, Wagner SN (2012) Dual suppression of INK4- and Cip/Kip-dependent pathways in human melanoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 104:1673-9. IF: IF: 13.506
  • Maurer M, Somasundaram R, Herlyn M, Wagner SN (2012) Immunotargeting of Tumor Subpopulations in Melanoma Patients: A Paradigm Shift in Therapy Approaches. OncoImmunology. 1:1454-6 (author’s view). IF: 8.11
  • Hodis E, Watson IR, Kryukov GV, Arold ST, Imielinski M, Theurillat JP, Nickerson E, Auclair D, Li L, Place C, DiCara D, Ramos AH, Lawrence MS, Cibulskis K, Sivachenko A, Voet D, Saksena G, Stransky N, Onofrio RC, Winckler W, Ardlie K, Wagle N, Wargo J, Chong K, Morton DL, Stemke-Hale K, Chen G, Noble M, Meyerson M, Ladbury JE, Davies MA, Gershenwald JE, Wagner SN, Hoon DSB, Schadendorf D, Lander ES, Gabriel SB, Getz G, Garraway LA, Chin L (2012) A Landscape of Driver Mutations in Melanoma. Cell. 150:251-63. IF: 41.582
  • Pathria G, Wagner C, Wagner SN (2012) Inhibition of CRM1-mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport: a novel approach to trigger human melanoma cell apoptosis by perturbing multiple cellular pathways. J Invest Dermatol. 132:2780-90. IF: 8.551
  • Berger MR, Heffernan TP, Lawrence MS, Protopopov A, Ivanova E, Ghosh P, Zhang H, Cibulskis K, Sivachenko AY, Sucker A, Sougnez C, Onofrio R, Ambrogio L, Fennell T, Carter SL, Drier Y, Singer MA, Voet D, Jing R, Saksena G, Ramos AH, Pugh TJ, Parkin M, Wilkinson J, Fisher S, Winckler W, Mahan S, Ardlie K, Baldwin J, Schadendorf D, Meyerson M, Bagriel SB, Golub TR, Wagner SN, Lander ES, Getz G, Chin L, Garraway LA (2012) Melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent PREX2 mutations. Nature. 485:502-6. IF: 49.962
  • Pinc A, Somasundaram R, Wagner C, Hörmann M, Karanikas G, Jalili A, Bauer W, Brunner P, Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K, Gschaider M, Lai C-Y, Hsu M-Y, Herlyn M, Stingl G, Wagner SN (2012) Targeting CD20 in melanoma patients at high risk of disease recurrence. Mol Ther 20:1056-62. IF: 11.454
  • Jalili  A, Moser A,  Pashenkov M, Wagner C, Pathria G, Borgdorff V, Gschaider M, Stingl G, Ramaswamy S, Wagner SN (2011) Polo-like kinase 1 is a potential therapeutic target in human melanoma. J Invest Dermatol. 131(9):1886-95. IF: 8.551
  • Kabbarah O, Nogueira C, Feng B, Scott K, Nazarian RM, Kwong LN, Xiao Y, Bosenberg M, Cordon-CardoC, Granter SR, Duncan LM, Ramaswamy S, Golub T, Wagner SN, Brennan B, Chin L (2010) Integrative genome comparison of primary and metastatic melanomas. PLoS One. 5:e10770. IF: 3.24
  • Jalili A, Pashenkov M, Kriehuber E, Wagner C, Nakano H, Stingl G, Wagner SN (2010) Induction of targeted cell migration by cutaneous administration of a DNA vector encoding a biologically active chemokine CCL21. J Invest Dermatol. 130:1611-23. IF: 8.551
  • Weber JS, Zarour H, Redman B, Trefzer U, O'Day S, van den Eertwegh AJ, Marshall E, Wagner SN (2009) Randomized phase 2/3 trial of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide PF-3512676 alone or with dacarbazine for patients with unresectable stage III and IV melanoma. Cancer. 115:3944-54. IF: 6.86
  • Jalili A, Pinc A, Pieczkowski F, Karlhofer F, Stingl G, Wagner SN (2008) Combination of EGFR blocker and COX-2 inhibitor for the treatment of advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. JDDG. 6:1066-9. IF: 5.584
  • Xu L, Shen SS, Hoshida Y, Subramanian A, Ross K, Brunet JP, Wagner SN, Ramaswamy S, Mesirov JP, Hynes RO (2008) Gene expression changes in an animal melanoma model correlate with aggressiveness of human melanoma metastases. Mol Cancer Res. 6:760-9. IF: 5.852
  • Thomas RK, Baker AC, DeBiasi RM, Wincler W, LaFramboise T, Lin WM, Wang M, Feng W, Zander T, MacConaill LE, Lee JC, Nicoletti R, Hatton C, Goyette M, Girard L, Majmudar K; Ziaugra L, Wong K, Gabriel S, Beroukhim R, Peyton M, Barretina J, Dutt A, Emery C, Greulich H, Shah K, Sasaki H, Gazdar A, Minna J, Armstrong SA, Mellinghoff IK, Hodi FS, Dranoff G, Mischel PS, Cloughesy TF, Nelson SF, Liau LM, Mertz Kirsten, Rubin MA, Moch H, Loda M, Catalona W, Fletcher J, Signoretti S, Kaye F, Anderson KX, Demetri GD, Dummer R, Wagner S, Herlyn M, Sellers WR, Meyerson M, Garraway LA (2007) High-throughput oncogene mutation profiling in human cancer. Nature Genetics. 39:347-51. IF: 38.33
  • Rebmann V, Wagner S, Grosse-Wilde H (2007) HLA-G expression in malignant melanoma. Semin Cancer Biol. 17:422-9. IF: 15.707
  • Pashenkov M, Goëss G, Wagner C, Hörmann M, Jandl T, Moser A, Britten CM, Smolle J, Koller S, Mauch C, Tantcheva-Poor I, Grabbe S, Loquai C, Esser S, Franckson T, Schneeberger A, Haarmann C, Krieg AM, Stingl G, Wagner SN (2006) Phase II Trial of a toll-like receptor 9-activating oligonucleotide in patients with metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol. 24:5716-24. IF: 44.544
  • Kim M, Gans JD, Nogueira C, Wang A, Paik JH, Feng B, Brennan C, Hahn WC, Cordon-Cardo C, Wagner SN, Flotte TJ, Duncan LM, Granter SR, Chin L (2006) Comparative oncogenomics identifies NEDD9 as a melanoma metastasis gene. Cell. 125:1269-81. IF: 41.582
  • Garraway LA, Widlund HR, Rubin MA, Berger AJ, Ramaswamy S, Chen F, Beroukhim R, Getz G, Milner DA, Granter SR, Du J, Lee C, Wagner SN, Li C, Golub TR, Rimm DL, Meyerson M, Fisher DE, Sellers WR (2005) Integrative genomic analyses identify MITF as a lineage survival oncogene amplified in malignant melanoma (full article). Nature. 36:117-22. IF: 49.962
  • Müller A, Homey B, Soto H, Ge N, Catron D, Buchanan ME, McClanahan T, Murphy E, Yuan W, Wagner SN, Barrera JL, Mohar A, Verastegui E, Zlotnik A (2001) Upregulation of chemokine receptors in breast cancer: implications for organ-specific metastasis (full article). Nature. 450:50-56. IF: 49.962
  • Wagner SN, Rebmann V, Willers CP, Grosse-Wilde H, Goos M (2000) Expression analysis of classic and non-classic HLA molecules before adjuvant high dose IFN 2b treatment of melanoma (research report). The Lancet. 356:220-221. IF 79.321
  • Wagner SN, Wagner C, Lührs P, Weimann TK, Kutil R, Goos M, Stingl G, Schneeberger A (2000) Intracutaneous genetic vaccination with autologous melanoma-associated antigen Pmel17/gp100 induces T cell mediated tumor protection in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 115:1082-1087. IF: 8.551
  • Wagner SN, Wagner C, Höfler H, Atkinson MJ, Goos M (1995) Expression cloning of the cDNA encoding a melanoma-associated antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody HMB-45: identification as melanocyte-specific Pmel 17 cDNA. Lab Invest. 73:229-235. IF: 5.662