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  • Bakiri L, Hasenfuss SC, Guío-Carrión A, Thomsen MK, Hasselblatt P, Wagner EF. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2024) Liver cancer development driven by the AP-1/c-Jun~Fra-2 dimer through c-Myc. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2404188121. PMID: 38657045 Author copy
  • Matsuoka K, Bakiri L, Bilban M, Toegel S, Haschemi A, Yuan H, Kasper M, Windhager R, Wagner EF. (2023).
  • Metabolic rewiring controlled by c-Fos governs cartilage integrity in osteoarthritis.
  • Ann Rheum Dis. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224002. PMID: 37344157



  • Xie H, Heier C, Meng X, Bakiri L, Pototschnig I, Tang Z, Schauer S, Baumgartner VJ, Grabner GF, Schabbauer G, Wolinski H, Robertson GR, Hoefler G, Zeng W, Wagner EF, Schweiger M, Zechner R. (2022). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. An immune-sympathetic neuron communication axis guides adipose tissue browning in cancer-associated cachexia. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2112840119. PMID: 35210363
  • Petruzzelli M, Ferrer M, Schuijs MJ, Kleeman SO, Mourikis N, Hall Z, Perera D, Raghunathan S, Vacca M, Gaude E, Lukey MJ, Jodrell DI, Frezza C, Wagner EF, Venkitaraman AR, Halim TYF, Janowitz T. (2022). Cancers (Basel). Early Neutrophilia Marked by Aerobic Glycolysis Sustains Host Metabolism and Delays Cancer Cachexia. doi: 10.3390/cancers14040963. PMID: 35205709
  • Supawadee Sukseree, Latifa Bakiri, Marta Palomo Irigoyen, Özge Uluçkan, Peter Petzelbauer and Erwin F. Wagner (2021). Sequestosome 1/p62 enhances chronic skin inflammation. JACI 2021; PMID: 33675820
  • Kazuhiko Matsuoka, Latifa Bakiri, Lena I. Wolff, Markus Linder, Amanda Mikels-Vigdal, Ana Patiño-García,Fernando Lecanda, Christine Hartmann, Maria Sibilia and Erwin F. Wagner (2020). Wnt signaling and Loxl2 promote aggressive osteosarcoma.Cell Research(2020) 0:1–17; PMID: 32686768
  • Gago-Lopez N, Mellor LF, Megías D, Martín-Serrano G, Izeta A, Jimenez F,Wagner EF (2019).Role of bulge epidermal stem cells and TSLP signaling in psoriasis.EMBO Mol Med.11.doi: 10.15252/emmm. 201910697.Epub 2019 Sep 26. PMID: 31556482
  • Uluçkan Ö, Jiménez M, Roediger B, Schnabl J, Díez-Córdova LT, Troulé K, Weninger W, Wagner EF (2019).Cutaneous Immune Cell-Microbiota Interactions Are Controlled by Epidermal JunB/AP-1.Cell Rep.29:844-859. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.042. PMID:31644908
  • Ucero AC, Bakiri L, Roediger B, Suzuki M, Jimenez M, Mandal P, Braghetta P, Bonaldo P, Paz-Ares L, Fustero-Torre C, Ximenez-Embun P, Hernandez AI, Megias D, Wagner EF. (2019) Fra-2-expressing macrophages promote lung fibrosis. J Clin Invest 129(8), 3293-3309. PMID: 31135379
  • Cobo I, Martinelli P, Flández M, Bakiri L, Zhang M, Carrillo-de-Santa-Pau E, Jia J, Sánchez-Arévalo Lobo VJ, Megías D, Felipe I, Del Pozo N, Millán I, Thommesen L, Bruland T, Olson SH, Smith J, Schoonjans K, Bamlet WR, Petersen GM, Malats N, Amundadottir LT, Wagner EF, Real FX (2018). Transcriptional regulation by NR5A2 links differentiation and inflammation in the pancreas. Nature 554, 533-537. PMID: 29443959
  • Bakiri L, Hamacher R, Graña O, Guío-Carrión A, Campos-Olivas R, Martinez L, Dienes HP, Thomsen    MK, Hasenfuss SC, Wagner EF. (2017). Liver carcinogenesis by FOS-dependent inflammation and cholesterol dysregulation. J Exp Med 214, 1387-1409. PMID: 28356389
  • Uluckan O, Jimenez M, Karbach S, Jeschke A, Graña O, Keller J, Busse B, Croxford AL, Finzel S, Koenders M, van den Berg W, Schinke T, Amling M, Waisman A, Schett G, Wagner EF. (2016). Chronic skin inflammation leads to bone loss by IL-17-mediated inhibition of Wnt signaling in osteoblasts. Science Translational Medicine 8(330). PMID: 27089206
  • Petruzzelli M, Schweiger M, Schreiber R, Campos-Olivas R, Tsoli M, Allen J, Swarbrick M, Rose-John S, Rincon M, Robertson G, Zechner R, Wagner EF.  (2014). A Switch from White to Brown Fat Increases Energy Expenditure in Cancer-Associated Cachexia. Cell Metabolism 20(3): 433-447. PMID: 25043816
  • Guinea-Viniegra, J. M. Jimenez, H. B. Schonthaler, R. Navarro, Y. Delgado, M. Jose Concha-Garzon, E. Tschachler, S. Obad, E. Dauden , Wagner EF. (2014). Targeting miR-21 to Treat Psoriasis. Science Translational Medicine. 6: (225):225re1. PMID: 24574341